Fly Shop (509) 962-5959 Reservations (509) 859-2280
The Best of Washington Steelhead and Trout Since 1988
The Best of Washington Trout & Steelhead
Overnight Packages and Day Trips

Brianna Murphy grew up near Olympia, WA within walking distance of the old Olympia Brewery, enjoying the great outdoors and fishing from a very early age. Some of her best memories are of fishing Washington and California with her grandpa, uncles and step-dad.

Bri graduated from MSU in Bozeman with a Bachelor’s in Paleontology, but moved back to Washington and started work in fisheries to pay off her student loans. Since then she’s had many different experiences as a fish biologist in 17 years working all over the state, but her favorite has to be snorkeling for steelhead and working in the Methow Valley.

Bri has fished pretty much anywhere and everywhere she has ever lived or visited including the Bahamas, and always has at least one fly rod in her car. She’s a fly fishing lunatic and small stream guru, with a love for old fiberglass rods and the adrenaline rush of a trout smashing the absolute s _ _ _t  out of a dry fly!