Kvichak PDF
Sept 10-16 Full
Sept 16-22 6 Spots
Sept 22-28 Full
Sept 28-Oct 4 4 Spots
Oct 4 – 10 Full
Oct 10-16 8 Spots
To speak with someone about this amazing program
—>Call/Text Jack 509-859-2280
Each program has 8 spots
The Kvichak River (Pronounced-Queejack) is in the heart of Bristol Bay and is home to one of the greatest trophy rainbow trout fisheries on Planet Earth. Unlike the leopard patterned rainbow trout commonly found throughout Bristol Bay, Kvichak River rainbows are solid blocks of terrorizing chrome. On average they’re much larger and more aggressive than leopard bows and pound for pound will often fight harder than an ocean bright steelhead.
Unlike the mellow grab of wild winter run steelhead, a Kvichak River rainbow will move ten plus feet through the water column to pulverize a swung fly. The initial impact on your fly can be so violent that on many occasions past clients have reported their fly rods literally being ripped out of their hands. If you manage to land a good hookset, what you can expect next is a series of impressive aerobatic runs that can easily burn 100+ yards deep into your backing. Many fish are lost during these battles, but if the stars align and you play your cards right you might find yourself kneeling above a net looking down at a trophy rainbow of a lifetime.
We can fish the river with both single hand and two hand rods. Your trip can include Trout, Grayling and potentially Pike fishing.
WHERE IS THE KVICHAK? The Kvichak is the outlet river of lake Iliamna in western Alaska. Lake Iliamna is Alaska’s largest lake and the Kvichak drains into Bristol Bay. The lodge is on Blueberry Island, 2 miles downstream from the lake.
WHEN IS THIS TRIP OFFERED and WHY? We offer this trip Sept 10 – Oct 18 By this time the pressure is LIGHT and although multiple tactics will work, the swing fishing is the focus!
HOW TO GET THERE? Fly Into Anchorage and from Anchorage we will arrange a charter flight
THE LODGE is 15 ft, off of the river and it provides us with comfortable beds, hot showers, a great dining room & deck literally riverside. The facility is comfortable & the food is thumbs up!
-5 1/3 days of guided fishing
-Flies and terminal tackle
-Rods and reels if needed
-Charter Flight from Anchorage
Package does not include:
-Flight to Anchorage Alaska
-Fishing License
-Wading Attire
Day 1
Charter flight to Igiugig from Anchorage @ 12 Noon
Settle in to rooms
Food, Fun, Lodging
Day 2
Fish, Food, Fun, Lodging
Day 3
Fish, Food, Fun, Lodging
Day 4
Fish, Food, Fun, Lodging
Day 5
Fish, Food, Fun, Lodging
Day 6
Fish, Food, Fun, lodging
Day 7
Fly Out at 1:30 PM
Connect to another flight or spend the night in Anchorage and connect the following day.
Experience the thrill of fishing the legendary Kvichak River, home to some of the largest, hardest-fighting rainbow trout on the planet. Fill out the form, and we’ll get back to you with trip details and availability!
Communications: You are traveling to a very remote wilderness area of Alaska so cellphone use at the lodge is possible if you have a GCI (Alaskan) account, or via wifi calling with national providers like AT&T and Verizon. There is also a phone available for emergencies. We will have unlimited internet this year….Yay!
What to bring – All fishing rods, reels, flies and terminal tackle can be provided if needed at no extra charge.
Clothing / layers
Waders/Rain Jacket (Alaska Standard)
Wading Boots (Felt Soles are Illegal in Alaska) No Studs or Cleats can be used in our boats.
Polarized Glasses
Sunscreen/bug spray/Headnet
Warm Clothing – think layers – Warm Hat/Gloves – Camp Shoes –
Fishing Gear :
Single Hand Rods
7-8 weight rods for trout and pike (floating lines & sinking tip)
4 – 5 weight rods for grayling
6-8 weight Switch or Spey Rods with Skagit or Rage heads
Sink tips – 5 and 5 T8-14 10 foot T8-14