Fly Shop (509) 962-5959 Reservations (509) 859-2280
The Best of Washington Steelhead and Trout Since 1988
The Best of Washington Trout & Steelhead
Overnight Packages and Day Trips


These dedicated professionals are hard working, fleece wearing, sun glass bearing, weather tattered, sun lined, oar pulling, fish netting, fly tying genuine fly fishing guides, bums, chefs, hosts and more. At first glance they may appear to be aloof, out there, glaze eyed, robotic and or just guide like.  A closer look reveals a staff  that will do whatever it takes to make your trip the best it can be, period! See what our guests have to say!

Yakima Crew

Keith Wersland

Rich Connely

Nathan Schepker

Will Myrick

Brianna Murphy


Upper Columbia / Black Bear Lodge Crew

Rial Blaine

Hank Jones

Justin Hotchkiss 

Jack Mitchell


Klickitat / The Steelhead Ranch Crew

Keel Brightman

Jack Mitchell

James Wise

Floyd Carter 

Nathan Schepker

Will Myrick


Olympic Peninsula / Bogey House  Crew

Will Myrick


Floyd Carter

Jack Mitchell

Nathan Schepker

James Wise

Keel Brightman



Kvichak River / Seasons on the Fly Lodge – Alaska


Larry Richmann

Floyd Carter

John Calivas


Dan Lawson   Facilities Manager and Chef

Joe Donsky  Hosted trip  manager

Jeff and Jan Former chef team and facilities manager  /  Still fills in here and there!

Dawson Alexus / Chef – info soon

Miranda  – info soon

Toni Flavor / Chef – Info Soon