Fly Shop (509) 962-5959 Reservations (509) 859-2280
The Best of Washington Steelhead and Trout Since 1988
The Best of Washington Trout & Steelhead
Overnight Packages and Day Trips


Hank Jones

Hank came from the East Coast and cut his teeth on the fabled waters of Pennsylvania where he spent many days on the Delaware river.  Definitely an ASSET to our crew.  Hank has a great demeanor with guests, is one FISHY dude, has a great work ethic and can just hang out and have fun.  Aside from his fishing and hunting prowess, Hank is a dedicated father/husband and previous to his fishing career he spent years in the masonry world as well as verging on a world class rock climbing career!

In addition to guiding on the American Reach for The Evening Hatch, Hank is the manager of Washington’s oldest hunting club, The Kallispel Duck Club and a licensed guide/outfitter in the Panhandle region of Idaho.

Washington State licensed guide
Idaho State licensed outfitter and guide
New York State licensed guide
US Coast Guard Captain