Position is one of the most important factors of trout fishing. Regardless of how accomplished a caster you are and how many specialty presentation casts you can perform, positioning yourself for the water you are going to fish is a primary technique. In fact depending on which type of presentation cast is going to be used in the attempt depends on what position you will be in to make the cast.
In both dry fly and nymph fishing “getting as close to the target” as the water type and situation allows is always recommended. Positioning (Quartering up, Quartering down, Direct 90 degrees, etc….) depends on where the target is and what type of cast is going to be used.
Home waters allow anglers to be less analytical because they are familiar with how certain holes fish and the trout behavior. However new waters call for a bit more caution as they are uncharted by yourself and although it is only trout fishing there are slight nuances about every river that are learned over time. Position, Position, Position!!!!