Fly Shop (509) 962-5959 Reservations (509) 859-2280
The Best of Washington Steelhead and Trout Since 1988
The Best of Washington Trout & Steelhead
Overnight Packages and Day Trips

Upper Columbia Guided Fishing
Black Bear Lodge
Upper Columbia  Fly Fishing Trips
Wild Redband Rainbow

To speak with someone about this amazing program

Call/text 509.859.2280  



DAY TRIPS  Feb 15 – Oct 20

$750 Per boat – 1 or 2 people


OVERNIGHT TRIPS   May 15-July 15 / Aug 25 – Oct 10
Includes – Guide, lodging, food, equipment, flies and fun.

2 days and 2 nights  $1390 per person based on double occupancy
2 days and 3 nights  $1540 per person based on double occupancy
3 days and 3 nights  $2085 per person based on double occupancy
3 days and 4 nights  $2235 per person based on double occupancy


May 10-14  6 Spots  Arrive the 10th @ 6PM Fish 11, 12, 13, Leave the 14th after breakfast
May 18-22   6 Spots  Arrive the 18th @ 6 PM, Fish 19, 20, 21, Leave the 22nd after breakfast
May 22-26   6 Spots Arrive the 22nd @ 6PM, Fish 23, 24, 25, Leave the 26tth after breakfast

June 1-5      2 Spots Arrive June 1 @6PM,  Fish 2,3,4,  Leave the 5th after breakfast
June 5-9     2 Spots Arrive June 5 @ 6PM, Fish 6, 7, 8 Leave the morning of the 9th after breakfast
June 14-17  2 Spots Arrive June 14th @12 noon Fish 14, 15, 16 Leave the 17th after breakfast
July 8-11 2   Spots Arrive July 8 @ 12 noon Fish 8, 9, 10 Leave the 11th after breakfast

The following are  Combo trips
4 hours on a private creek / 4 hours on the Upper Columbia
July 15-17 4 Spots  Arrive the 15th @ 12 noon Fish 15 and 16 Leave the 17th after breakfast
July 17-19 4 Spots  Arrive the 17th @ 12 noon Fish the 17 and 18 Leave the 19th after breakfast
Cost is $1450 per person –  All fishing and lodging included.  Lunch’s provided both days.  Breakfast and dinners on your own.


Fall Date Availability

Sept 1-4     6 Spots
Sept 4-7     6 Spots
Sept 11-15   6 Spots
Sept 15-19   6 Spots
Sept 19-23   4 Spots
Oct  5-9         6 Spots


Upper Columbia Fly Fishing – For the past 30 years we have been investigating (fishing) the northeast corner of Washington.  The UC is one of the watersheds we fish in the NE corner and we have a beautiful lodge riverside. The river sports incredible insect hatches seasonally.  While hatches are not gauranteed day in and day out, the trout are at times tuned into the surface which makes for great fun.  Tactics very from the late winter/early spring fishing using single hand and double hand swing tactics to  the June/July hatch season featuring blizzard Caddis, Drakes and various Mayflies to the late Summer Fall hatches of Baetis, October Caddis and terrestrials.  The primary target fish on the UC are rainbows and there are some BIG ones.  In addition there are Cutthroat and Brook trout.  We also fish various watersheds in conjunction with the Upper Columbia trip, including the Kettle river, based on conditions.

-FEB/MARCH – Swing season
-APRIL/MAY 15 – Transition months
-MAY 15 / JULY 15 – Hatch Season-Caddis. Blue Wings, PMD’s, Drakes
-SEPT 1 / OCT 15 – Hopper, Oct Caddis

We offer day trips and we offer overnight trips featuring our very own ‘Black Bear Lodge’ – We cannot get any closer to the river. The lodge provides us with convenience and comfort, a great place to stay and tell stories about the ones landed and the ones that ‘got away’. Lodging is based on two people per room. In addition to the fishing we have a myriad of non angling activities for those that would rather do other things….Interpretive scenic river floats, birding, day hikes, winery tours, etc.

All fish on the Upper Columbia River are wild residents and not steelhead. -How to get there