If you think you are getting a drag free drift, think again. The only perfect drag free drift is a fly drifting down a current lane with no leader/line attached. If there is a line and leader attached, there is drag; the question is, “to what degree” .
THIS TIP ASSUMES that as an angler you are able to perform the multiple techniques needed to promote “near perfect” drifts including but not limited to ,
->Parachute casts
->S casts
->Reach casts
->Feeding line
In addition to performing the above techniques, it is also necessary to piggy back them together.
If you are able, position yourself above and a bit across from the fish and/or location. Always make a preliminary cast that is literally 50% of the way to the target. This allows you to get a bearing on where your fly is in relation to the target. This also forces the angler to shorten up and use less line on the approach. Many times the trout is sipping insects near the bank. If the angler uses to much line on his first attempt, well you get the picture.
Work your way into the trouts feeding lane. It may take two to three preliminary type casts to get the fly into the feeding lane. Once you have the fly in the feeding lane utilizing most likely a right/left reach with a parachute/pile cast give the line slack immediately… (anticipate the need for slack) and then manage the slack by needed corrections. Often times I see anglers induce slack into their presentation toooooo late. On a downstream presentation the fly is ‘going away’ from you; therefore anticipate the need to induce slack OR FEED LINE.