Fly Shop (509) 962-5959 Reservations (509) 859-2280
The Best of Washington Steelhead and Trout Since 1988
The Best of Washington Trout & Steelhead
Overnight Packages and Day Trips

Rory is currently a Sales and manufacturing representative for the commercial and architectural division of Mutual Materials and has been with them for  almost 3 years.

Rory and his wife welcomed their  boy Grayson to the world in August of 2017 !  As you can see by the image below,  Rory is starting his son out early.

Rory was a pleasure to have on our staff!   He worked hard,  was always respectful and an exceptional angler.  He appreciated good food a fine whiskey as well!

I remember the first time we went fishing and introducing him to the ‘two hander’.  That day he hooked two fish back to back in ‘Bus Run’ on the Klickitat.

I still speak with Rory often and as I write this we are planning to fish some time in the near future.