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The Best of Washington Steelhead and Trout Since 1988
The Best of Washington Trout & Steelhead
Overnight Packages and Day Trips

Most of my writing is born from the insight gained from being WATERSIDE for 59 of my 63 years in natures big office. I like to say that ‘Nature is an incredibly large office…. Have a seat and enjoy.

WATERSIDE – The definition….adj, noun, verb (lol)
Pertaining to the physical act of being near or on a body of water ie; rivers, lakes, oceans, sounds, spring creeks, ‘Bathtubs not included’  – Or the term used as a name for being near the water – Or a descriptive word illustrating said name or activity!

The old cliché ……  Fishing is not just catching, it is the process and all that nature allows us to be a part of while we are fishing. This thing we call fishing, the sport we all enjoy immensely, is a learning experience. The sport is a combination of great things….The dynamics of the river and surrounding landscapes, the cast, the bugs, the swing, the drift, the flora, fauna and birds, the camaraderie with others and/or the solitude of one.

The knowledge I have gained over the years is a compilation of personal experiences from leaning over the shoulders of others, trial and error, 10 mile walks, twenty mile drifts and asking questions. Although I would like to give myself credit for all the knowledge I have… that would be fairly egotistical. So with all that said….Help the youngens feel welcome and if you can’t be friendly to the fellow fisher, don’t say anything at all.

We suggest you experience being waterside in reality. Make it a point to visit a different watershed each year while continuing to fish your favorite home waters on a regular basis. 

Jack Mitchell