The only zone currently with clarity is above the Teanaway confluence where it has been a little crowded lately with anglers
Fishing is good. Water temps are 38-40 degrees with the flows ranging between 40-60K and 8 feet of visibiity. Nymphing and swinging/retrieving have been the game.
Utilizing a variety of sink heads based on depth and flow is important with any fishing and that is key here as well.
Receiving much needed rain in the last 24 hours – Although we could use a lot more. Fishing remains steady for some opportunity and some big fish around.
Sink tip rates used lately with success include:
->5 inches per second poly leader on a mid belly
->10 feet of T-14 on a standard floating Skagit
->10 feet of T-8 on a Rio Game Changer
Flies that have met with success include:
->Queets leech
->Trey’s Bunny Leech
->Dark Mole Leech