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The Best of Washington Steelhead and Trout Since 1988
The Best of Washington Trout & Steelhead
Overnight Packages and Day Trips


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The river is LOWWW and CLEAR …. with some ice build up in the lower canyon based on the current cold weather pattern.




Definitely need some water for our Winter Steelhead rivers….. For sure there are fish around but definitely need a mixer currently.

Looks like we should see a weather pattern change starting next Thursday.  Definitely needed.


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Keith Wersland with a good one from last winter

YAKIMA is in great shape. Low and clear. Honestly, I could give you a huge list of flies but that would be just to sell flies. Really, you can pare the list down substantially in the Winter:

1) #8-12 Pats stones and Skwala nymphs
2) #8-12 San Juan Worm
3) #6 Millimeter Whitefish Egg
4) #2-8 Streamers Sparkle Minnow, Sculpzilla, Seal Bugger, Sex Dungeons

Occasionally there can be a good midge hatch. Utilizing a #18 Cluster pattern or a #20 single Parachute presented correctly will usually suffice,

The fishing has been quite good recently and from now until April some of the biggest fish are caught on the Yakima. Great time to be on the river. Focus your time during the warmth of the day. 11AM to 4PM

Although I wrote this blurb a long time ago, it still holds true. Check it out



Nice double a few years back!

Hatchery season has already started. The peak of the hatchery run is usually in mid January. Wild fish will start to trickle in beginning in December but the bulk of the run will be February / March. We will be running day trips from now until March 31 and start our overnight operation the 1st of Feb.

More to follow.



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Fishing remains consistent .  Water is LOWWWW and CLEAR. This is the ‘far and fine’ of the Yakima. If you are targeting fish on the surface eating the Blue wing olives I would highly suggest a 12 foot leader terminating in 5-6X. When nymphing, terminal tackle needs to be flourocarbon and 4-6X depending on the size of the bug- Suggestion -> #10-12 4X, #14-16 5X, #18 and smaller 6X
Predominant bugs include:
Mostly Fall Baetis #18-20 

Upcoming food sources
Whitefish spawn
Skwala nymphs 



This season has been good. The steelhead numbers over Bonneville were above the 10 year average. The pressure has been heavy. There were also a lot of Chinook and steelhead in the system.  

Techniques vary but getting  creative is probably a good idea.  The season is over at the end of November. We are only doing day trips from here on out. If someone needs a cabin rental, we can help with that too.

One of my favorite techniques when the river is LOOWWW and CLEEAARR is to quarter way day with a light tip and toss a subtle traditional…. just a thought!



The 2024 season at Black Bear Lodge on the upper Columbia just ended. There certainly are fish to still be had up there but things get a little bit more difficult as the fall progresses as there are less and less bugs.  

The Hatch season from May 15-July 15 was good to great. This fall was a little tough as the flows were not very consistent. Regardless it was a fun season. We are currently filling dates for the 2025 season.



We just finished our Alaska season for 2024. It was highly successful. Fabulous guests and fabulous fishing:)) Actively filling this program and all our others for the 2025 season!



We are getting ready for our upcoming season starting February 1 operating until the end of March. Hopefully the numbers on the Olympic Peninsula this winter reflect what the last year and a half has been. According to creel surveys, the return this past winter was better then the past couple decades!


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The Yakima river is at fall levels now and many would call this their favorite season. The catching has been legit with some nice fish and good numbers

Predominant bugs include: Summer stones # 6-8 soon to be a thing of the past for 2024  but still a few around

Crane flies #10 Craneflies are active and bouncing flyers. On many rivers, the trout do not target the adults. We are fortunate on the Yakima,  as they do here!!

Grass hoppers # 8-12
Caddis #16 Hydros generally hatching in the late morning
October Caddis #8-10
Fall Baetis #18-20 
Mahogany Duns #16



Definitely some fish around. Last couple days the water was a little rough; we should be back on track now. Both swing and nymph tactics are worthy. Certainly prefer to let’er swing. John Miskulin just did that and ended up with a big smile!



Literally world class trout fishing….plain and simple. Don’t know how else to state it. No bobbers, just swinging. Variable tips to match the water.


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The Yakima river is at fall levels now and many would call this their favorite season. The catching has been legit with some nice fish and good numbers

Predominant bugs include: Summer stones # 6-8 soon to be a thing of the past for 2024  but still a few around

Crane flies #10 Craneflies are active and bouncing flyers. On many rivers, the trout do not target the adults. We are fortunate on the Yakima,  as they do here!!

Grass hoppers # 8-12
Caddis #16 Hydros generally hatching in the late morning and soon
October Caddis #8-10 coming soon
Fall Baetis #18-20 



The river has been putting out some nice trout. The levels have been all over the board. This might be the new norm. Recently, we have caught some wonderful trout. We have also caught a sturgeon on the fly. I guess you just never know what you are going to catch when you are swinging a fly on the Upper Columbia



Great return of fish this year so far in the Columbia river tributaries. Although it’s not historically full, it is certainly above the 10 year average. 

Good numbers of Skamania hatchery fish and wild fish returning. The clarity of the river has been appropriate to the weather dealt. Currently, she is not in that great shape. However, with a bit of cooling she should be in good shape again.



We are in our first week of the Fall season! 8 guests a day chasing BIG bows with the swung fly.  We love using little 6 and 7 weight 2handers to target these fish. However, a single hand rod is appropriate as well.


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Professor Dan with a Yakima bow.

The early morning game is certainly worthy during the hot weather and more so in the lower river…..The Farmlands and the Lower Canyon. The Upper Canyon and the Upper Flatlands have not been so good in the AM with the heat waves. Recently we have seen some cooler weather and the water temps are varying between 60 and low 70’s depending on time and zone. Current big bugs include the Hopper and the Stonefly. Coming soon are the October Caddis and Craneflies as well. Back in the early 90’s it was an awakening when I realized that I could move the fly on the surface to entice the fish to eat. I remember Tony Bynum quoting a Joe Brooks saying…. ‘The only way to fish an adult stonefly is to impart movement’.

If you add up all the big bugs listed above that like to move around when on the surface, it is no wonder the Yakima is a good big dry fly river late summer and early fall.

Dry Fly and dropper is a great choice….
Big Dry Fly Goto’s – Chubby’s, Daves Hopper, Gypsy King,
Dropper Goto’s – Tungsten head is a good idea as they get down fast – #14-18 YB’s, Prince nymphs, Perdigon, Duracell

As much as the big dry fly can be part of the game late summer and early fall, as the season progresses downsizing the nymphs will be crucial. Nymph sizes in the fall are the #16-20 variety, especially in the Lower Canyon.

Also, The lost art of swinging soft hackles is a technique that is almost forgotten…. more to follow on that in the next post.



Floyd with his swing on

This river is currently in GREAT shape. The term Steelhead green is appropriate. Flashy has been good for the swing. The real light tips and drylines have not produced much. We have been more ‘down’ in the water column, although tossing some of those lighter lines daily to stay in check. Summer stones are a little late on the Klickitat and when those kick into gear the surface game might get a bit better. Water temp on the Klickitat in the AM up river is 54 degrees; The lower river in the afternoon …. 61degrees.



While this river doesn’t give up numbers, it does peak your fishing prowess. A day on this river will make you rethink a lot of what you know when it comes to fishing for trout. Your average fish is nooooiiiceee and there are some world class fish swimming in its currents. We open up Black Bear lodge in about 8 days!!



Stephen Bourne with a 26inch Bow Bow from the Kvichak.

We are about 16 days away from opening our operation for the Fall on Alaska’s Kvivhak river. More to follow!


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The fish are eating hoppers and summer stones. Dry fly fishing is good to great early, and dry/dropper when the sun gets high. Swinging or stripping a streamer is productive for bigger fish. Crane flies should be here soon! The water temp is in the low 60’s in the early AM and 70 +mid to late afternoon. Our days have been starting as early as possible and off the river by 1-1:30pm. The fish are doing well and we have not had any problem with reviving fish. We are basically self regulating with a hoot owl policy.


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Dry fly and dry dropper fishing is good to great. Getting on early is the best option as the water temps are elevated to 70 and above by mid afternoon but starting out at 63-65 degrees depending on where you are. Summer stones, Hoppers, Yellow Sallies, Ants, Beetles, and Caddis. 


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This type of heat wave always has an effect on our fisheries. Currently the game is to start early and get off early…. plane and simple. 5:30 to 11AMAM utilizing dry flies, streamers and or nymphs.

Even though we are looking forward to a bit of a cool down, the mornings on the Yakima have been goooood.

KLICKITAT What an amazing June….it was goooood. The numbers over Bonneville continue to be above the 10 year average. Unfortunately this heat wave has made the Klickitat very dirty due to the glacial influence of the tributary with the name ‘The Big Muddy’. lately the cycle has offered a bit of clarity (1-1.5 feet) down low in the early hours of the day. With a bit of cooling this window should be better. Get your dates down for fall as it appears we should have a good season. In the interim, we will be guiding the Cowlitz during the month of August!

UPPER COLUMBIA We had a GREAT hatch season here as well. Currently the lodge is on hold until the start of our fall season – the end of August. There is some fishing to be had in the last 2 hours of the day. Some days will be better then others. We are offering half day trips from now until we reopen for fall.

KETTLE RIVER This river should be left alone at this juncture due to water temps even with hoot owl hours.


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THE YAKIMA RIVER continues to rockon…..  predominant bugs include, PMD’s, Yellow Sallies, Caddis and Summer Stones just starting.  Hoppers just around the corner.  Fly of the week here # 10 Water Walker.


THE KLICKITAT has been in GREAT shape all spring.  The numbers over Bonneville are at the ten year average; Lets hope the pattern continues.   The heat wave coming our way is no doubt going to put the river out of shape.   Let’s hope the weather pattern does not continue for long.
Fly of the week here     16MM Yarnie



THE UPPER COLUMBIA  has definitely been lower in flows than normal all spring and the weather pattern cooler than normal.   We are currently in the middle of hatch season and the hatches have acually been less than in the past ….but they are worthy enough for the fish to key in on the surface.  Predominant insect includes, Caddis, PED’s, PMD’s, Drakes.    Fly of the week here #12 Catchall



THE KETTLE river is in super shape with PMD’s and Yellow Sallies as the predominant bugs.  Good streamer and dry fly action as of lately.   Flows are at 2400 today. Actually up from this past week.   Warmer weather and some rain added to the flows.     Fly of the week here #14 Humpy