THE YAKIMA RIVER continues to rockon….. predominant bugs include, PMD’s, Yellow Sallies, Caddis and Summer Stones just starting. Hoppers just around the corner. Fly of the week here # 10 Water Walker.

THE KLICKITAT has been in GREAT shape all spring. The numbers over Bonneville are at the ten year average; Lets hope the pattern continues. The heat wave coming our way is no doubt going to put the river out of shape. Let’s hope the weather pattern does not continue for long.
Fly of the week here 16MM Yarnie

THE UPPER COLUMBIA has definitely been lower in flows than normal all spring and the weather pattern cooler than normal. We are currently in the middle of hatch season and the hatches have acually been less than in the past ….but they are worthy enough for the fish to key in on the surface. Predominant insect includes, Caddis, PED’s, PMD’s, Drakes. Fly of the week here #12 Catchall

THE KETTLE river is in super shape with PMD’s and Yellow Sallies as the predominant bugs. Good streamer and dry fly action as of lately. Flows are at 2400 today. Actually up from this past week. Warmer weather and some rain added to the flows. Fly of the week here #14 Humpy