Fishing remains consistent . Water is LOWWWW and CLEAR. This is the ‘far and fine’ of the Yakima. If you are targeting fish on the surface eating the Blue wing olives I would highly suggest a 12 foot leader terminating in 5-6X. When nymphing, terminal tackle needs to be flourocarbon and 4-6X depending on the size of the bug- Suggestion -> #10-12 4X, #14-16 5X, #18 and smaller 6X
Predominant bugs include:
Mostly Fall Baetis #18-20
Upcoming food sources
Whitefish spawn
Skwala nymphs

This season has been good. The steelhead numbers over Bonneville were above the 10 year average. The pressure has been heavy. There were also a lot of Chinook and steelhead in the system.
Techniques vary but getting creative is probably a good idea. The season is over at the end of November. We are only doing day trips from here on out. If someone needs a cabin rental, we can help with that too.
One of my favorite techniques when the river is LOOWWW and CLEEAARR is to quarter way day with a light tip and toss a subtle traditional…. just a thought!
The 2024 season at Black Bear Lodge on the upper Columbia just ended. There certainly are fish to still be had up there but things get a little bit more difficult as the fall progresses as there are less and less bugs.
The Hatch season from May 15-July 15 was good to great. This fall was a little tough as the flows were not very consistent. Regardless it was a fun season. We are currently filling dates for the 2025 season.

We just finished our Alaska season for 2024. It was highly successful. Fabulous guests and fabulous fishing:)) Actively filling this program and all our others for the 2025 season!

We are getting ready for our upcoming season starting February 1 operating until the end of March. Hopefully the numbers on the Olympic Peninsula this winter reflect what the last year and a half has been. According to creel surveys, the return this past winter was better then the past couple decades!