YAKIMA RIVER – The river is completely blown out currently. However with this current weather pattern it should settle down a bit. As stated earlier, Between now and stabilization (somewhere around June 15) the river will fish good and not so good….It all depends on how the water comes.
Current bugs include
Salmon Flies
March Browns
Flying Ants
Current Water Clarity as of 5/6
Upper Proper – 6 inches
Upper Flatlands – 8 Inches
Upper Canyon – 0
Farmlands – 0
Lower Canyon – 0
This is the one river that does not “Blow Out” believe it or not….Current visibility is 6 feet. Current bugs include Baetis, Caddis, March Browns. Predominant tactic lately is nymphing with some swinging and dry flies. Here is a world class trout caught recently….Not all of them are this big:)
Smallmouth bass action is heating up. Top water action just started on one of our favorite desert streams…..