Reasonable fishing when there has been clarity.
Vertical presentation fly choices…
Jigs in Purple or Black
Yarn -‘The Lifter’
Hot head Stoneflies
Under tension / Swung Fly choices
The Blue Fox
The Green Butt Marabou
The video below shows a tight spot on the Klickitat that all oarsmen should be aware of…..
Note the clarity in the video….. 10 miles down river 15 minutes later the clarity was significantly better as shown in the following photo >
So the Cycle of the river is worth playing for the fishing factor:)

And there are a few fish around:) this fish was Renee’s first steelhead:)))

Kinda like a broken record. Bugs of the day and fly choices are listed below in the past report.
Water temps stabilized with the cooler weather we just received. We are going to see another heat wave this week but it will be short lived, compared to the last one. Wednesday – Friday is supposed to be HOT and then we are going to cool down to highs of 84 :))))