The Upper Canyon is sporting some good action on dries, dry droppers and nymphing spots. Lots of little guys and a few ‘kickers’. This past Saturday was tougher on the dry fly game until late. Fished a streamer hard both swinging and on the move and under a bobber. PMDs, Sallies, a few Drakes and Caddis.
CFO s chubby’s, Hoppers, Ants, Beetles and little parachutes.
This image is compliments of The Canyon Market in Klickitat | This image is as good as the river has been when it comes to clarity. There is a bit of a cycle happening and this is at town hole in the AM on the 13th.
Overall clarity is ranging from 14 inches to 6 inches depending on time and zone…..
No trips for us here.
This heat wave has slowed the fishing and pushed the activity towards the end – basically the last 2 hours. The Drakes overall are on the decline. Caddis are STRONG in the last hour but difficult to match.