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The Best of Washington Steelhead and Trout Since 1988
The Best of Washington Trout & Steelhead
Overnight Packages and Day Trips


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The Yakima is fishing OK right now throughout the system.  It’s not great, but not bad, just average August fare.  (The largest full moon phase a midst 100 degree heat, doesn’t help)   Hoppers! Sure, but think outside the box and there is some good fishing in the right water with a streamer or nymph.  Pick a beat, go fish it.  Tie one on!

Rick with a Yakima Cutthroat


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Paul with a fat Yakima bow

Brent with a nice topwater Smally

The Yakima river is fishing great for Trout and Smallies. Both species with ‘topwater’ or ‘dry fly’

Early mornings in the Lower Canyon have been best for the trout with good numbers responding to the #8-10 Stone/Hopper type patterns.  Strategy – Covering water and targeting prime lies has been worthy!   Evenings have slowed a bit, but still worthy for rising fish in the right location.

We have not been in the Farmlands or Upper Proper lately.  We have spent most of our time in the Lower Canyon, Upper Canyon and the Upper Flatlands

The Smallmouth fishing near Benton city has been good recently as well.  Our best fishing yesterday was with a variety of top water bugs including #8 Foam Poppers and #6 C-Ants.


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River @ MM5       2PM      8/2/14
Considering the recent heat, the river is in reasonable shape….Over the past three days we have seen the river cycle between 1-2 feet of clarity.  This equates to gooood clarity coming our way soon when the air temps cool.

It appears the weather will be reasonable over the next week and not ‘scorching’ as it has been. Weather forecast shows… Highs in the mid 80’s  / Lows in the mid 50’s

Fishing suggestions…
Swing 5 inches of Cerise and Orange on T-8 or
Nymph,Pin, Boon Dog Thumbnail size Yarnies